Na zadatku ...

Bespotrebno potrebna grupa fotografija koja mi je omogućila da živim/jedem/prisustvujem na ovoj planeti. Ovo je takozvana forma/norma u kojoj mora da se učestvuje ako želiš disati. Kompromisi i ponekad čudni zahtevi koje moraš da ispuniš. Nisam naročito dobar u tim kompromisima. Više volim da ponudim viđenje stvari iz ličnog ugla, sa iskustvom, i rešenjem drugačijim od uobičajenog.

On the task … Unnecessary, but needed at the same time, group of photographs that allowed me to live/eat/exist on this planet. This is so called form/norm which demands your participation if you want to breathe. There are compromises and sometimes peculiar requirements you will have to meet. I’m not especially good in these compromises. I prefer to offer seeing things from my point of view, with experience and solution different from the usual one.