Muzika & Muzičari ...
Kad dobijes zadatak da muziku obogatis slikom, to je za mene posebna radost. Mene to svaki put izuzetno zabavlja i povede na neko novo putovanje. U snove, u maštanje. Dobiješ da čuješ nešto pre svih i nekako odskočiš visoko i gore probaš da uhvatiš deo emocije i pretočiš u vizuelno. Ceo svoj život sam blizu muzike i muzičara to je valjda razlog zašto se tako dobro razumemo. Pogledajte neka od mojih putovanja mozda i vas povedu na neka druga lepša mesta.
Music & Musicians … Getting the task to enrich the music with the photo is a special joy for me. It amuses me immensely and every single time it takes me to a new journey. It leads me into dreams, into phantasy. You get to hear something before others do, you somehow jump high and up in the air trying to catch part of that emotion and to remodel it into something visual.
All my life I’ve been close to the music and musicians so that must be the reason why we understand each other so well. Have a look at some journeys of mine, maybe they’ll take you to some better places too.