
Portret je meni najvažnja disciplina, Svakako je najstarija, jer od kad je veka ima egzibisionista, a jednako i nas koji zavirujemo kroz ključaonicu 😊. Volim da ukradem emociju i uhvatim karakter. Sve što pokušavam je da u jednom neprimetnom trenu zabelezim jedan jako, jako kratki treptaj vremena, koji se desi samo tad i nikad više. Svih ovih godina pokušavam da uhvatim sto više takvih treptaja. Tada se desi neka magija izmedju tebe i modela, i kad škljocnem znam i ne moram ni da proveravam da imam taj ritam, koji je tako preko potreban da fotka bude ono što želim. I briga me šta mislite ja sam zadovoljan 😊 …

Portraits … For me, portrait is the most important discipline in photography. Surely, it is the oldest one. From time immemorial there are both: the exhibitionists, as well as us who peep through the keyhole. I love to steal the emotion and catch the character. All I’m trying to do is to capture one very, very short blink of time happening in one imperceptible moment, the one that happens only then and never again.

All these years I’ve been striving to find as many of these blinks as I could. That is the moment when magic happens between you and the model and when I snap I simply know and I don’t even have to check if there is the rhythm essential for the photo to be the one I want. I don’t care what you think because I’m satisfied. 🙂